07/22/2022 - the_mud_room - FiA Olympics – Final Events
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 07/22/2022
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Miyagi, Cruiser, Sonic Boom, Flip Flops, Signs, Boxer, Buzz, Songbird, Tex
It was the final day of the FiA Olympics and we had a great time! After a quick warm up, we jumped right in with the first Olympic National Event – 5 Minute Burpee Challenge!
- TEAM GOAL – 75% reach 40 burpees in 5 minutes- I BELIEVE WE MET THE GOAL!
Next I led the group on a follow the leader style Obstacle Course all around Halcyon…(it was fun and more challenging than I had expected!) – If you’ve been to Halcyon, this will make more sense, but here’s what we did…
- Step Ups around the soccer field
- Balance beam the sandbox
- Turn Right –
- Pendulum squat at each bike
- Slalom with jumping jack at the parking lot poles – all 3 lines
- Incline push up at each circle
- Up & down the stairway to heaven
- Run back to LTH –
- Duck through the hole at each of 3 outdoor bars
- Sit by the car and do 5 russian twists
- Turn right after Kilwins –
- Increasing height step ups on the curb
- Do two incline push ups on the bench
- Pendulum squats at the bikes
- To the Stairs – down and back up again
- Jumping Jack Slalom at the Cornhole boards
- Jump across the Checker board –don’t touch the grass
- Boxes – do 5 froggers
- One incline or decline push up in each ring
- Wall by green – tricep dips on facing wall
(I had even more planned but it took a lot longer than I expected so I cut a few obstacles out.)
Next up – Olympic Regional Event – 100m sprint
Congrats to Songbird, Boxer, and Miyagi who took first, second, and third place respectively!
Last but not least, we completed Olympic Event #2 – Partner High 5s
Our group of Three won this event!
We stretched and heard our COT and took an explosive closing ceremony photo!
“The only victory that counts is the one over yourself.” ~ Jesse Owens
You already overcame “yourself” today by getting up and being here…you are ahead of the game today. What else can you accomplish?