09/18/2019 - jimmy_dean - F3 Meatloaf’s Massacre IronPax Challenge … FiA Style! – 9/18/19
AO: jimmy_dean
When: 09/18/2019
QIC: Titanium
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Hermione, Sonic Boom, Triple Threat, Queso, Titanium
Last week I heard about this challenge from my M and decided we could do it too! So, I Q-ed this on Friday at Midway and Wednesday at Jimmy Dean with minor changes. Also changed the challenge a bit since we had 45 minutes and not an hour. Plus, I can’t run, so cut down on the running portion ;). Where the F3 pax did reps of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50, we did 5, 10, 20, 30, 40. Good enough! And we added lunges and abs at the end for good measure.
BTW, everything was done with a 20+ lb boyfriend except for the run!
And, of course, we had to have a couple of Meatloaf songs – remember “I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”? And “Hot Patootie – Bless My Soul” from Rocky Horror Picture Show? Just love a theme!
The Thang:
5 Manmakers (Burpees with the bag up in the air and down to incline push up on it)
I handled the mumble chatter on this one and I was the Q!
10 Overhead Presses
Hermione just pumps those bags up there like it’s nothing! Then she planked forever while we ran. She’s a strong one!
20 Kettlebell Swings
Queso throws those bags out there – though she did think hers was more than the standard 20 lbs!
30 Goblet Squats (go low enough that the bag makes some noise when it hits the ground – no bending over!)
Sonic Boom’s got the low squats going. 30 seemed like nothing for her…all 4 rounds!
40 Incline Merkins (push ups)
Triple Threat never complains – just gets out and crushes it! Looking good on her run too. She’s ready for a half marathon!
After the round, run the full outer rim of the big parking lot behind the pool. Then rinse and repeat. 4 rounds and then walking lunges to the stop sign and back. Abs included 20 big girl sit ups with the bags, oblique heel touches, gas pumpers, and a couple of others.
In a Bible study of Acts, we were reading in chapter 8 about the persecution that swept the church in Jerusalem. “But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.” Footnote: “Persecution forced the believers out of their homes in Jerusalem, and along with them went the Good News. Sometimes we have to become uncomfortable before we’ll move.” Next time we’re facing difficult circumstances, we should stop and ask God if he’s preparing us for something or an opportunity to share the Good News. Challenge!