01/22/2021 - the_mud_room - Echoes and Oldies

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 01/22/2021

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 8

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Titanium, Chief, Songbird, Signs, Sashimi, Miyagi, Flip Flops, Buzz


In full disclosure, I didn’t create this mornings workout.  I actually copied it from a workout that I’ve seen Jedi Mama (of FIA Nation) lead.  It was hard!  Really hard!  But we played a fun oldies mix and we all did the best we could to finish out the week strong. 


To start today, we met in the parking garage and made two lines parallel to each other to face each other.  The two lines essentially equated to two teams.  I led the first line and Miyagi jumped in to lead the counts for the second team.  Thanks Miyagi.  Here’s how the day went.  


Warmup as a whole group

10 jumping jacks 

15 grass grabbers

15 Michael Phelps


Cupid Shuffle as a whole group – in plank position during most of the song.  During chorus –  right leg out when he said “to the right”, left leg out when he said “to the left”, kick when he said “kick”, down to push up when he says “walk it”


That thang:


This is when our two lines came into play.  We had time for 8 sets of moves and holds, doing each set for 10 reps (which actually worked out to be 55 reps) … one side count while the other holds, counting up one by one each side at a time. 


1 – Jump Squats / Hold wide squat

2 – Skull Crushers / Hold at ears

3 – Burpee front Raise / Hold front raise

4 – Push up / Hold in Plank

5 – Boat &Canoe / Hold in Boat

6 – Punches with weight / Hold front Hammer

7 – Reverse Lunge (1,1) / Hold knees together squat

8 – Lateral Raise weighted / Hold lateral raise – work shoulders by raising to the sides, hold shoulder height


Nameorama, announcements, COT

Instead of saying “I have to” try saying “I get to” and see how that effects your !  perspective. 


Great job today, ladies!  I might need a nap today 🙂


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