09/14/2022 - amazon - DORA-ish workout
AO: Amazon
When: 09/14/2022
QIC: Taquito
Number of Pax: 11
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Signs, Homegrown, Myagi, Hammer, Goldie, Ghostrider, Rapid, Rocky(FNG), Sentinel, Ultimate
Began with a quick 5 minute warm up, then headed down to the field.
The Thang:
Pax members partnered up. Partner 1 ran the full length of the soccer field and did a walkout pushup, then ran back to swap out with partner. While Partner 1 ran Partner 2 was doing AMRAP of the exercise. Each exercise had a song, so Partner 1 and Partner 2 took turns being the runner/doing the exercise for the full duration of the song. Once the next song began, a new exercise started.
Exercises for the non-running partner:
- Jumping Jacks
- Leg Climbs (ab move to climb hands up each leg – alternating sides each time)
- Step-ups on the wall with a hammer curl (using light-weight dumbbells)
- Mountain Climbers
- Holding Situp (Try to hold legs and upper body in V. Raise and Lower upper body to the tune of “Bring Sally Up” song.)
- Bicycle Legs
- Plank Jacks
- Russian Twists (using light-weight dumbbell)
- Tricep-Dip with Leg Extension