10/07/2019 - jimmy_dean - Don’t Be a Square! – 10/7/19
AO: jimmy_dean
When: 10/07/2019
QIC: Queso
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Triple Threat, Hermione, Titanium, Sonic Boom, Queso
We had rectangles, we had circles, and we even had some triangles…but no squares this morning! AND we got our burpees in….and then some! (We’re doing a 10-burpees -a-day challenge throughout the month of October). After I peeled into the parking lot and set up the cones, we headed over to the corner of the parking lot to complete our first rectangle for a warm-up: Corner 1: 50 jumping jacks Corner 2: 40 butt kickers Corner 3: 30 high knees w/a twist….forgot the twist🤷 Corner 4: 20 arm circles each way Then we headed around the circle of cones to find our first triangle ladder: arms. 50 kneeling choppers 40 tricep extensions 30 kettle bell swings 20 curl press 10 BURPEES!!! We took a lap around our rectangle with Sonic Boom in the lead for this lap and into the circle for another triangle: abs. 50 russian twists 40 plank shoulder taps – got some mumble chatter grunting from Titanium on this one 30 in/outs 20 weighted extended butterfly sit ups 10 BURPEES!!! Another lap around the rectangle, around the circle and into our next triangle ladder: legs 50 weighted calf raises 40 mt climbers 30 walking lunges 20 monkey humpers – we all felt the burn on these! Ouch! 10 BURPEES!!! Another round around the parking lot, around the circle and into our last triangle ladder round: butt. 50 weighted glute bridges 40 plank jacks 30 squats – Titanium inspired us all to pick up the weights on this one 🤨 20 donkey kicks 10 BURPEES!!! We took our last lap around the rectangle, finished the circle and brought it in for a minute plank together AND DONE! I was so encouraged and motivated this morning by these ladies. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t push myself as hard as I do during workouts….heck, would I even workout at all?!?! ha! This morning Triple Threat inspired me to keep pace while running….she runs so smooth and flawlessly. She’s going to KILL her half in a couple weeks! Titanium always picks up those weights to add in that bit of “extra” during squats, lunges,…anything she can get her hands on…which therefore inspires us [or guilts us] into doing the same. Hermione despite her torn hips, teaches us perseverance and the power of #BetterTogether. She not only continues to show up, but she does all our exercises, with modifications as needed. FiA wouldn’t be the same without her and I’m so glad her hips don’t have her out of the count (but strep almost did!🤢). Sonic Boom resembles strength and growth. This girl has come so incredible far in her fitness….she’s hard to keep up with!! She was done with every.single.round of burpees before me this morning! Our COT reminded us this morning that when things go array in our lives, our plans don’t come to fruition, we look back on our lives and think, ‘this isn’t what I imagined my life to look like,” we are reminded that God’s purpose for us is far greater than any plan we can dream up. His plan is the perfect plan because it is filled with purpose. Let go of our plans and let His purpose unfold.