08/24/2022 - amazon - Deck of Cards with a Twist
AO: Amazon
When: 08/24/2022
QIC: Hammer
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 3
Pax Names:
Ghost Rider, Ledecky, Homegrown, Goldie, Signs, Hammer, Early Bird (FNG), New Girl (FNG), Munchkin (FNG)
Warm up: Windmills, arm circles, Weed pickers
The Thang:
Everyone gets 5 cards to start. Each suit corresponds to a focus area. Hearts = upper body, diamonds = lower body, spades = core, clubs = cardio. The number on the card indicates the number of reps for the exercise, with J=11, Q=12, K=13, A=14. We went around the circle. On her turn, each PAX selected from their cards which one everyone would do for that round.
Round 1: Hearts=push ups, Diamonds = squats, Spades = sit ups, Clubs = Jumping jacks
Round 2: Hearts=overhead press, Diamonds = step ups, Spades =bicycles, Clubs = High knees
Round 1: Hearts=tricep dips, Diamonds = lunges, Spades = leg lifts, Clubs = Mountain climbers
Round 1: Hearts=bicep curls, Diamonds = Figure 4 squats, Spades = Russian twists, Clubs = squat jumps
There were 4 rounds, so everyone had one card left over. The surprise was that that card told you how many burpees you got to do at the end.
We finished off with a partner plank while the other partner ran a lap around the soccer field.
COT: “Give it to God and go to sleep.”