06/10/2022 - the_mud_room - Candyland Workout at MUD Room
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 06/10/2022
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Zumbo, Chameleon, Queso, Miyagi, Challenger, Titanium, and Tex
We started with a quick warm up and then jumped right into a rousing game of Candyland with a little workout twist.
We divided into two teams. Each member of the two teams took a turn drawing the game cards and moving their team’s game piece forward. When the card was drawn, the team did the exercise associated with that color. The team who was closest to the end with 5 minutes left in the workout was the winner. What was the prize? They got to assign one last exercise (of their choice) to the losing team that the winning team DIDN’T have to do!
There were papers with 4 exercises listed per color. Each time the team drew the color cards, they did the next exercise on that color list. Each exercise was done 20 times (Left + Right = 1, where applicable). If the team drew a double they did the same exercise 40 times. If they landed on a character space, they had to do a 1 minute plank. If they landed on a licorice space, they had to do 5 burpees in addition to the color exercise.
You might be able to tell which team won and which team didn’t by the faces in the photos. 🙂 Can you believe the bad luck for Chameleon and Miyagi???
Afterwards we stretched and did name-o-rama.
COT: We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing (and working out). (From George Bernard Shaw (and Tex)).