05/08/2024 - rosewater - (Belated) Cinco de Mayo Beatdown

AO: Rosewater

When: 05/08/2024

QIC: Songbird


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Tex, Romcom, DIY, Trooper, Songbird


I used my Cinco De Mayo beatdown this morning at the Rosewater, because we just passed the holiday just a couple days ago.

I played a Latin pop music playlist and had a few salsa-type and circle dance exercises to warm up, then a tough beatdown, just like Mexico had to be tough against the French in the battle of Puebla, being outnumbered 3 to 1!!

After stretching, did the themed Warm-ups:

Counting in Spanish! [diez (10) each]

  • Running in place, stepping/hopping left to right with a clap and count
  • Curtsy lunges w. “skirt whip” on count
  • Salsa step right forward/center/center/center, left back/center/center/center, count on each first step (10 on one side, then switch)
  • Grapevine side to side ending with Salsa hip-throws (L/R)

Group circle “dances”

  • Arms up (hands up), side-step on in one direction facing into the circle
  • Switch direction, Arms half-up (hands down), facing out of the circle
  • Grapevine into center, then grapevine out

That Thang:

Weight training, 6 reps, 3 sets each, rest in between:

  • Bicep curls
  • Overhead tricep curls
  • Overhead press
  • Side bends
  • Reverse chest press
  • Deadlifts

Partner relay race:

One partner ran across the lot and back while other did jumping jacks, and switched, then calf raises, then hillbillies, then side reaches

Dan Taylors around the lot as a group:

  • 1 squat, then 2 (instead of 4) walking lunges. Reps to 7 squats/14 lunges

Arm-ageddon (Arm series), Q-led:

  • Fast small Arm circles forward
  • Fast small Arm circles backward
  • Touchdown (Arms straight up and then down to chest level)
  • Arms straight back
  • Arms press together (and around back)

Ab work:

  • 15 Fold the tacos!
  • Captain Thor. 1 Sit-up, 4 single Russian Twists. 10x

Spanish Song routine – livin the vida loca – hi-knees on verses, star jumps on chorus

Did Cooldown and stretched it out individually as I shared (below)….


The Mexican forces defeated the French in the battle of Puebla, when they were outnumbered. This reminds me of the many instances in the history of Israel where they defeated their enemies when outnumbered as well. Though the Mexicans, and the Israelites, no doubt had to be tough to fight against such powerful forces, their ultimate victory was only by the hand of God! In Luke 18:27 Jesus says, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” HE makes impossible things possible, so when we’re faced with a situation that appears to be impossible, let’s look to, and put our trust in, the One who is far greater than us and able to do far more than we can!


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