03/31/2021 - the_mud_room - Beach Body Beatdown

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 03/31/2021

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

HoneyBear (FNG Shelda!), Zumbo, Sonic Boom, Signs, Flip Flops, Buzz, Uhaul, Miyagi, Titanium


Tomorrow is April 1st – time to get our bodies ready for the beach!  I’m inspired to use April as a time to slim down and tone up – get rid of jiggly arms…  Any progress is good progress, after all!  So, in conjunction with Pinterest, I pulled/reworked/improvised a number of bite-sized workouts that concentrate on different areas of our bodies.  We worked through most of them this morning in the parking garage since the rain kept us in.

But I’m sharing all of them with you in case you want to do some more on your own!

With the beach music going, we warmed up and hit the below series.  (Check out the Tricep Kickbacks with Flips – the pulsing started to burn so it must have worked!)  Everybody helped with the counting, of course, and some used both light and heavy weights.  (When doing these on my own, I plan to take a section and repeat 3 times.)  And since we were in the garage, there were no chairs so we modified.  There are more chair exercises on the attached sheet in case you’re interested.

Everyone was a good sport!  And we worked up a sweat – summer’s coming!

Good Morning Arms behind head, bend forward at waist
Leg Swings Swing in front
Squat & Reach Up
Cross Jacks Arms & feet cross in front
50 Jumping Jacks None
40 Air Squats None
30 Walking Lunges None
20 Sit Ups None
10 Push Ups None
ARMS Weights 5 exercises, 3 reps, 15 minutes
12 Bicep Curl to Overhead Press Light
12 Angled Bicep Curls / Knees Bent Light
10 Deltoid Rollouts Light Palms up, elbows in, weights in open hands,
cross right over left then out to side and other side
10 Tricep Kickbacks w/ Flip Light Flip palms up to ceiling at back & squeeze
10 Hold Flip Palms Up & Pulse Light
10 Hold Palms In & Pulse Light
10 Front & Side Lateral Lifts Light Palms down, elbows & knees slightly bent
LEGS Weights 1 Minute Each
Kettlebell Swing Heavy
Donkey Kicks Heavy
Pulsing Sumo Squats Heavy
Fire Hydrant Heavy
Bulgarian Split Squats Heavy
Calf Raises
FULL BODY Weights AMRAP for Length of Song
10 Weighted Burpee Heavy
10 Squats Heavy
10 Sit Ups Heavy
Tabletop Crunches None Heels resting on chair
Single Leg Glute Bridges None Heel on chair
Crunch Kicks None Sitting in chair, pull knees in, kick out
Hip Thrust None Heels on chair
Side-to-Side Knee Sweeps None Sitting in chair, pull knees in, sweep side to side

COT: Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood!


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