02/12/2022 - the_coop - Bands & Weights Workout

AO: the_coop

When: 02/12/2022

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 2

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Tex, Coco


After a quick run around The Stone Circle – one lap of high knees and one lap of butt kickers, we jumped right in to our Bands and Weights work out. Each round lasted 5 minutes and we cycled through the exercises as many times as we could (usually twice).

Round 1 – Bands

3 Man Makers (burpee with row)

5L 5R Lateral Walk

10 Glut Bridges – up, out, in, down

5L 5R Step Out Squats

After this round, we finished our burpees for the challenge of the day – we got 6 man makers done and so we did 16 additional burpees right after and got them out of the way!

Round 2 – Weights

3 Deck Squats (squat to the ground, roll on back, then stand back up while holding weight out in front of you)

5 Total Body Extensions (standing up, make an X – slow and controlled up on toes, arms stretched out)

10 curls

10 overhead press

10 bent over rows


Round 3 – Bands

10L, 10R clamshells

20 Banded Bicycles

5 Plank to Bear – band around feet

20 Penguin Crunch (on back, band in hands above head, lean right to left)


Round 4 – Weights

10 Russian Twists (L/R is 1)

10 Deadlifts

10 squats

5L 5R – single leg deadlift with our without weights

We did a cool down and stretch and had a quote by Maya Angelou about not being defeated.


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