11/20/2020 - the_mud_room - Back in the Habit

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 11/20/2020

QIC: Sonic Boom


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Signs, Queso, Zumbo, Keratin, Tex, Titanium


This morning, we stayed in the parking garage for warmth & crushed it with the below for our Friday AO – as we prepare for Thanksgiving celebrations, we were ever mindful of COVID precautions. Nevertheless, I am so grateful for the chance to put my health first with such an incredible group of ladies most days of the week.

Warm Up

  • Hip Openers
  • Drops
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbillies
  • False starts (like frogger w/plank jack)

Elevens: Burpees & Squat Presses – Signs always setting the bar with a REAL push-up, not just a flop like me! Zumbo led the pack, and we saw really great form from everyone!

Timed Tabata Circuit: 45/10; 2 times thru (for L/R moves, do other side on 2nd round)

  • Weighted Side Bends
  • Surrenders
  • Deadlift & Upright Row
  • Single-Leg Bridge
  • Push-Up & Rotate (Queso’s fave :))
  • Balance Reverse Fly

Ab Challenge Routine

  • 10 Alternating Toe Touches
  • 20 Up/Down Plank
  • 25 Box Cutters
  • 30 Gas Pumpers
  • 35 LBCs
  • 60s Plank

I have subscribed to a fitness/weight-loss app for a while, and it emphasizes non-scale victories and creating new habits/mindset for long-term success. Well, because of a repair needed in our laundry room recently, I found myself without access to the washer & dryer at home for a number of weeks…which landed me at the store to buy new underwear to get me through! Looking at the wall of undies, I found myself thinking, “I need to make sure I get ones that will be good for a workout…” lol! And that is not necessarily a thought I would have had before FiA. 🙂 Thanks to FiA and all my PAX for instilling and inspiring healthy, long-term habits in me.


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