12/26/2022 - the_mud_room - Anticipating New Year’s…
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 12/26/2022
QIC: Songbird
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Miyagi, Chameleon, Cupcake, Songbird
As we get ready to ring in the new year soon, I used my New Years Q to celebrate with MUDRoom FiA friends today, 4 PAX in all were present (one being my sister in town from NY). Started off with an intro and disclaimer as we stretched out our muscles.
For warmup we did a Countdown to the New Year!
10 jumping jacks
9 squats
8 toy soldiers (alternating)
7 high-knees (L/R)
6 butt kicks (L/R)
5 good mornings
4 lunges (2 forward, 2 back)
3 imperial walkers (L/R)
2 star jumps
1 burpee
Then we did 23 (for the new year 2023) of each of the following exercises that start with the letter of the months of the year (or AMRAP until the first one to 23):
January – Jack jacks, Jello shooters
February – figure 4 squats, flutter kicks
March – mountain climbers, monkey humpers
April – alternating shoulder taps, ankle biters, American pie sit-ups
May – mat taps
June – Jack-in-the-boxes
July – Jump shots
Aug – angry donkey kicks, Ab-solution
Sept – speed skaters, scorpion dry docks, sparky crabs
Oct – overhead presses, “over-the-rainbow” leg arches
Nov – narrow squats w. kickbacks, narwhals
Dec – dying cockroaches
We got through the “year” exhausted, but energized for the day!
Shared my COT while stretching –
Going into the new year from the last…
For things that were wonderful last year, gratefully be thankful!
For things that were sad last year, courageously move forward.
For things that were hard last year, humbly learn from them.
For things failed last year, determinedly keep trying.
For things unfinished last year, perseveringly keep going.
For things still uncertain from last year, wholeheartedly keep trusting.
– Songbird