03/15/2022 - the_haven - ABC’s Around the Haven
AO: The Haven
When: 03/15/2022
QIC: U-Haul
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Nightingale, Signs, Kinetic, Titanium
Well, it’s daylight savings and apparently my iPhone alarm forgot?!? I have no idea but neither my husband’s nor my alarm went off at 4:45 like it was supposed to this morning so at 5:18 I looked at the clock, jumped out of bed and texted Titanium to see if she could spot the warmup. She did!! So thankful for the grace, but I have no idea what they did :). I rolled in at 5:38 and we promptly began our planned ABC (Abs, Butt, Cardio) workout for the day. Also, we’ve been talking about how cool Avalon is and yet we tend to hunker down in our little parking lot, so every time we “ran” we traveled to a new location for our next set. It was a scenic workout and this is how it went…
90 secs each 2 times through each round with a 15 second break between each exercise
Round 1
A – Crunchy Frogs- In a V-sit like position, wrap your arms around your legs, then quickly extend arms and legs out. Then bring them back in. Repeat.
B – Monkey Humpers
C – Boy Bands
BURN OUT – (run to next location)
Round 2
A – Ankle Biters
B – Glute Bridges
C – Seal Jacks
BURN OUT – (run to next location)
Round 3
A – American Pie Sit Ups
B – Fire Hydrant Donkey Kick
C – Mountain Climbers
BURN OUT – (run back to beginning lot)
Round 4
A – Doris – up, down, apart together
B – Squat side leg lift
C – Happy Jacks – Jumping jacks in cadence, after 5 jumping jacks do 2 jump squats
T’s and P’s (Thoughts and Prayers), Nameorama and a picture to close us out. Despite the fact that I flew in on 2 wheels, we managed to get a good Beatdown while traveling Avalon.