01/28/2022 - the_mud_room - A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 01/28/2022
QIC: U-Haul
Number of Pax: 13
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Miyagi, Whiskers, 5 Star, Kinetic, Nightingale, Zookeeper, Natya, Challenger, Graphite, Flip Flops, Titanium, Cruiser
I just recently looked back at the first workouts that I ever Qed. This is a workout that I pieced together from a little bit of each of those workouts. Several people told me that they loved AND hated this one. It was a GOOD workout.
15 Cherry Pickers
Song – “walk like Egyptian”
Burpee – walk like an egyptian
Push-up – whistle
Imperial walkers / jacks/ mat taps
Run to stairs and back
That Thang:
Count down in multiples of 10
100 -bicycles
90 – J Lo’s (45 each side)
80 – Minute plank
70 – Calf Raises
60 – Zebras (30 each side)
50 – Skaters
40 – Dori’s (up, down, apart together)
30 – Deadlifts
20 – Buzz Saws
10 – Monkey Humpers
Run to the steps and back
Circuit workout (using seconds pro, 30 seconds of work for 16 exercises, then 1 minute break before round 2. We actually only did one round)
30 secs X 16 exercises
Mountain Climbers
Tricep Dips
Little Baby Crunches
Plank Jacks
Carolina Dry Docks
Back Planks
Buzz Saws
Little Man in the Woods
Push up Up Downs
Monkey Humpers
Ankle Biters
Circle up for Sally’s (to “Flower” by Moby)
Squats down when sally is down and up when sally is up.
Stretch, Nameorama, COT and picture
Miyagi, I’m attaching a picture of today’s COT just for you!!