06/12/2024 - rosewater - 9 to 5 Workout
AO: Rosewater
When: 06/12/2024
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 10
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Cookie, Glock, Trooper, Kinetic, Green Thumb, Legally Blonde, U-Haul, DIY, RomCom, Tex
I chose this workout (a rerun of my VQ many years ago) to “celebrate” returning to work after a week at the beach.
Warm Up with Dolly (song 9 to 5)
Grapevines with claps
Hamstring curls
Standing toe touches
Side taps with arms side and middle
Hamstring curls
Standing toe touches
Low impact jacks
Squat cross punch
9 cardio exercises
1-high knees
2- smurf jacks
3-butt kickers
5-hi/lo punch RIGHT
6-fast feet
7-hi/lo punch LEFT
8-knee repeater – RIGHT
9-knee repeater – LEFT
5 abs
1 –LBCs
2 – Russian twist
3 – bicycle
4 – side bends with weight
5 – plank
Run or walk a big lap
9 arms
1- biceps
2- triceps
3- lateral raises
4- ventral raises
5- bent over rows
6- shoulder to shoulder press
7- flys
8- arm circles -fwd
9-arm circles-back
5 legs
1- squats
2- side lunge with push off – RIGHT
3- back lunges
4- side lunge with push off – LEFT
5- dead lifts
Cool down – walk a big lap
Stretch –
Arms across chest
Runners lunge
Hamstring stretch
Side stretch
“Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.” I Corinthians 15:58 (The Message)
“Work is not man’s punishment. It is his reward and his strength and this pleasure.” – George Sand