10/24/2022 - the_mud_room - 80s/90s Dance Party beatdown!!!

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 10/24/2022

QIC: Songbird


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Buzz, Titanium, Tex, Flip Flops, Zookeeper, Cruiser, Songbird


Today at the MUDRoom we stretched out together, ran two laps around the green, and then went right into our dance party workouts, using YouTube videos of #growwithjo!

First one was an 80s dance party workout:


Took a water break in between, then second was a 90s boy bands dance party workout:


Took another water break, then we finished up with a 7 min standing abs workout, which included a cooldown:


(There were a couple breaks during ads as well)

Love the fun and energy of dancing with #growwithjo, and loved seeing the FiA PAX getting their groove on with me this morning!! Thank you ladies for your full participation!

We stretched out as I shared my COT, which was two quotes regarding dancing:

  1. I’m not sure if the happier I am, the more I dance, or the more I dance, the happier I am…either way, I’ll be dancing.
  1. Dance is a way to find yourself and lose yourself…all at the same time.

I do believe the Lord created us to dance for Him, so it really does feel good to dance, and brings our moods up even when we’re down! So make sure to keep dancing through life!!!


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