02/17/2021 - the_mud_room - 2/17/21 – the_mud_room – Spoonful of Sugar
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 02/17/2021
QIC: Buzz
Number of Pax: 6
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Q – Buzz, Signs, FlipFlops, Sonic Boom, Titanium, Tex
Disney Classic – 2/17/21
Music – Classic Disney
Supercalifragilistic… 2:03 Stretch – loosen up
When You Wish 3:15
Some Day My Prince 1:54 Laps: 1 = jog; 2 = length- lunges, ends- Lt Dan’s– 1 squat, 4 walking lunges; reps continue with an increasing 1:4 ratio
~45 second Exercise (about 20 reps) – 15 second Stretch
A Dream Is a Wish 4:35 Hillbillies – hands behind head in upright, standing position bring same knee to same side elbow then switch sides; Windmills (triangle stretches) – standing position feet wider than shoulder width apart arms straight out then touch toes opposite hand to foot; Imperial Walkers – hands behind head in upright, standing position bring opposite knee to elbow then switch sides; Hurdler Stretch – start in a seated position with legs extended in front of you and point your toes towards the ceiling without bending your knees. Gently fold your left leg by bending the knee and tucking the sole of that foot gently against the inside of your right thigh Then gently exhale and slowly bend forward from your hips, sliding your hands down your legs towards your ankles.; Cherry Pickers – stand shoulder width apart bend at the waist then touch right foot, between feet, left foot, and return to upright standing position
An Unusual Prince 3:29 Butterfly Stretch – start from a seated position with legs extended then bring feet together and towards you while trying to put knees down; Windshield wipers – laying on back with legs straight in the air and then rotate legs to the left then back to center and then to the right; Lying Stretch – lay flat on your back stretch out arms and legs; Jane Fondas – while balanced on your side laying down lift upper leg up and down then switch sides; Supine Spinal Stretch – start by laying flat on your back with arms at side and legs straight and then cross left leg while keeping right side of body and shoulders on the floor, then repeat with right leg; Heel Beats – Lay on back with legs lifted off the ground then beat heals together out and in
You Can Fly 4:24 Peter Parker – plank position move left knee up to left elbow and then right knee up to right elbow with feet flexed, looks like Spider Man; Leg Stretch – start by laying flat on your back with arms at side and legs up 6 inches, move feet up and down, and then side to side; Pretzel Crunch – start in a sit-up position with left foot on right knee then with left arm straight out and your right arm behind your head bring your right elbow to left knee and then back down, Switch sides and repeat; Rest Pose – kneeling with chest down to your legs stretch your arms out in front of you; Russian Twists – seated in partial sit-up position with heels off the ground twist at the waist so that both hands held together touch the ground on the right then left side with or without weights; Knee to Chest Stretch – lay flat on your back stretch out arms and legs and then put arms at sides while bringing one knee at a time to chest; Push Ups – ; Cobra – start by laying flat on your back and place your hands palms down on the ground beneath your shoulders as you curl the chest up away from the floor then gaze upwards as you keep your abdominals engaged.
I’ve Got No Strings 2:22 Monkey Humpers – squat while holding on to ankles and move your rear up and down; Mad Cat stretch – start by kneeling in a face down position with arms shoulder width apart touching the floor and then slowly arch you back up; Mountain Climbers – start in a straight arm plank position bringing one knee up alternating in a climbing motion
Cruella De Ville 4:45 Reverse Crunch – on your back in beginning sit-up form with head on the ground and then bend knees to 45 degrees and curl to chest; Rocking Chair Stretch – start from a seated position with feet on the floor, knees up, curl in to your legs, and hold your hands in front of your ankles then start rocking to get a good stretch; Ankle Biter – laying on back with legs bent feet on the floor and hands down at side, bend to the right side touch right ankle and then bend to the left side ankle; Frog Pose Stretch – start with hands under your shoulders and knees below your hips while facing down and slowly move your knees outward; Bicycle – starting on back with legs bent at 45 degrees, hands behind head, alternate touching right elbow to left knee, and then opposite; Reverse Rocking Chair – start from a face-down position with feet up in the air, knees bent, curl in to your legs, and hold your hands around your ankles then start rocking to get a good stretch; Boat Canoe – start in seated V-position (boat) and then extend back and legs out to straighten yourself (canoe) and then repeat.
The Bare Necessities 4:49 LBC – little baby crunches- on your back in beginning sit-up form, but shoulders only come slightly off the ground; Bridge up – start in a crab walk position facing upwards with knees bent about shoulder width apart and then push-up to a bridge; Superman – Lying face down on ground with arms and legs lifted off the ground; Prone Spinal Twist – start by lying face down on ground with arms at your side and legs straight out and then put right leg over left, return to start position and then put left over right ; Calf raises – ; Foot Stretch – sitting with legs out straight, pull your toes forward and then roll your feet around to get a good stretch; Prayer Squat – a bodyweight squat performed with hands together clasped in front of your chest
Everybody Wants to be a Cat 2:03 Raggedy Ann – start in a sumo position with hands laced behind your head, extend right arm down to touch right heel, return to start, extend to left arm down to touch left heel, and then repeat; Bending Stretch – stand with your feet shoulder width apart bend at the waist backward and then forward move slowly to obtain a good stretch; Cherry Pickers – stand shoulder width apart bend at the waist then touch far forward, walk your hands far back, and then return to center and raise to upright standing position
Pay Attention 2:12 Plank – (~1min); Arm Stretches – cross body, left then right; down back, left then right; shoulder shrugs, up and down, forward and back; arm circles; Curls – start with arms relaxed down at the sides of your body with palms facing forward. Keeping your upper arms stable and shoulders relaxed, bend at the elbow and lift the weights so that the dumbbells approach your shoulders. Your elbows should stay tucked in close to your ribs.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (played softly) 9:19 Closing Stretches
COT – Spoonful of Sugar helps the medicine go down!