02/16/2022 - the_mud_room - 2/16/2022 at the Mud Room
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 02/16/2022
QIC: Natya and Graphite
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Natya, Graphite, Flip flops, Zoo keeper, Kinetic, Nightingale, Arya
Warm up stretches and the workout led by Natya:
Warm up and stretches:
Did different kinds of stretches for the Neck, Wrist, two different Full body stretches, side bends, side lunges, scroll up stretch etc.
Lap – Run/walk around the green area
Squats, Skaters, Front lunges, High Knees
Upper Body:
Push ups, Tricep extensions, Bicep curls, Supermans, Jell-O shots
Lap – Run/walk upto the stairs and came back
Cross jacks, Back lunges, Squat Jumps, Burpees
Russian Twists, Jane Fonda, Sit ups, LBCs, Side Plank
Lap – Run/walk upto the stairs and came back
Cool down stretches led by Graphite:
Hamstring stretch, butterfly stretch, up dog stretch, warrior reverse stretch, Hamstring, calf, feet and toes stretch, glute bridge stretch etc
The most wasted of days is one without laughter. Its easy to stay happy and motivated when everything is going well, but the goal is to stay happy and motivated when things get tough.
Name-o-rama and pictures