08/28/2021 - the_coop - 2.0 Workout – Toss & Flip

AO: the_coop

When: 08/28/2021

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 11

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Tex, Coco, Signs, Queso, Firetruck (2.0), Broadway, Miner (2.0 FNGuy), Weasley (2.0), Kraggle (2.0), Titanium, Breezy.


Today was our first (of hopefully monthly) 2.0 Workout! We had 4 2.0s (all of the male variety) including 1 FNG (Fun New Guy)! In honor of the boys in attendance we worked out to my “Hero Boy” playlist which features songs about ninjas and superheroes and the like.

We started with a jog to the small pavilion where we learned how to do a proper squat (bathroom humor galore!) then ran to the other small pavilion where we warmed up our arms and learned to do a proper lunge.

Back to the Grassy Knoll where we played two games for our workout.

The Ring Toss Game:

Six Cones – each with 4 exercises listed. Each PAX had a turn tossing the ring at their choice of cone. If they hit the cone, we only had to do 15 reps of the exercise of their choice from that cone’s list. If they missed the cone, we did 20 reps. Y’all, we did 20 reps…Every. Single. Time.

After a while, we switched to the Coin Toss game. Each PAX had a quarter. They flipped the coin to see which exercise we would do. We had handouts to show what the choices were. The Coin Flipper was also the counter. We had some seriously cute counters today!

After a great workout, we cooled down and stretched.

For COT, the 2.0s and some of the PAX answered the question: “Why do we exercise?” Some really great answers: to be healthy, to get stronger, for stress relief, etc. Then I shared this quote: “We exercise to celebrate what our bodies can do, not as punishment for what we ate.” Let’s all remember that excellent mindset!

Cone Exercises:

Cone #1


  1. Bicep curl


  1. Tricep curl


  1. Shoulder press


  1. Fly




Cone #2


  1. Squat


  1. Lunge


  1. Skater


  1. Calf Raise




Cone #3


  1. LBC (little baby crunches)


  1. Ankle Biter


  1. Russian Twist


  1. Bicycle




Cone #4


  1. Jumping Jacks


  1. High knees


  1. Butt Kickers

(say β€œbum” if your mom won’t let you say butt πŸ™‚


  1. Soldier Jacks




Cone #5


  1. Push Ups (Merkins)


  1. Monkey Humpers


  1. Mat Taps


  1. Mount Climbers




Cone #6


  1. Smurf Jacks


  1. Sparky Crabs


  1. Peter Parkers


  1. Parker Peters

Coin Flip Exercises attached in photo.



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