02/28/2024 - the_mud_room -
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 02/28/2024
QIC: Kiwi
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Sonic Boom
Warm Up (30 seconds each)
- Reach Up, Reach down
- Knee Hugs
- Back extensions (squat, arms raised- pull back, stand up)
- Toe taps
- Squat, hold, reach up R/L
- Lunge overhead reach
- Lateral lunges (side to side)
- Toes in/out squats
- Run to the stairs
Work Out (40sec on/10 break):
- One Arm Thrusters (squat/right arm raise)
- Reverse lunge with left foot back (right arm raise)
- One Arm Thrusters (squat/left arm raise)
- Reverse lunge with right foot back (left arm raise)
- Goblet squat
- Goblet squat, pulse
- Goblet hold to kneel (alternating)
- Romanian deadlift
- Alternating rows
- Step back to push up position- row, stand up
- Front squats
- Reverse lunges (alternating)
- Diagonal thrusters
- Curtsy lunges
- Squat side step
- Glute bridges, chest press
- Left leg glute bridge (norwal)
- Right leg glute bridge (norwal)
- Glute bridge pulse
- Tricep extensions
- Alternating dumb bell swings
- Side plank row (right)
- Side plank row (left)
- Reach up/down with weights
- Step back- push up (holding weights)
- Kettle bell swings
- Renegade row (push up position, alternating rows)
- Dumbbell deadbugs (on back)
- Russian twists
- Sit up, then twist
- Leg drops (weight up, on back, one leg drop at a time)
- Scissor kicks
- Reverse crunches (legs in and out)
- Leg drops/both legs
- Toe taps (on back)
- Crunches
- Crunch pulses
- Legs in-out-down (on back)
- Knees bent, abs hold (hover)
- Bicycle crunches
- crunch/toe taps
- Toe Taps
- Flutter kicks