12/14/2022 - rosewater - 12 Days of Christmas & Skip It Work Out

AO: Rosewater

When: 12/14/2022

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Songbird, RomCom, KPop, DIY, Legally Blonde, Tex


After warming up, today’s workout had 2 parts.

First, we did one run through of the 12 Days of Christmas (because, just like the song, repeating the same exercises over and over is BORING!)

12 crunches

11 mountain climbers

10 side lunges (with wiper)

9 curtsy lunges

8 wide arm push ups

7 walking lunges

6 donkey kicks

Fiiiiiiiiiiive Ruuuuuuuuusian Twiiiiiiiiiist!

4 squat to press

3 burpees

2 jumping squats and a

30 second plank

Next we did the Skip It portion of the workout in which each PAX chooses a workout card out of the bag for the group to do for 45 seconds. The person who chooses the exercise card decides whether we do it or skip it. If the PAX chooses to skip it, the whole group has to SKIP (not run not walk – skip) around the parking lot island. We did this for about 3 rounds. Then we did the 12 Days of Christmas again but backwards starting with the plank.

We ended with a COT – Isaiah 9:6 (Christmas passage from the Bible) read in The Message version.


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