12/06/2024 - the_mud_room - 12 Days of Christmas

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 12/06/2024

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 4

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Titanium, Miyagi, Kiwi, Tex


Today we did a 12 Days of Christmas workout. Normally, you would count the exercises like this: (one of something, two of something else then one of the original, then 3, 2, 1, etc. like the song). I hate counting i a workout so much that I changed it up. Here’s what we did:

for 120 Seconds (12) we did Standing Crunches

for 110 seconds (11) we did mountain climbers

for 100 seconds we did Lunge wipers

for 90 seconds we did Curtsy Lunges

for 80 seconds we did wide arm push ups

for 70 seconds we did walking lunges

for 60 seconds we did donkey kicks

for 50 seconds we did russian twists

for 40 seconds we did squat to press

for 30 seconds we did burpees

for 20 seconds we did jump squats

for 10 seconds we did a plank hold

There have been so many different 12 days of Christmas Qs at FiA Alpha that I also had 2 alternative lists of 12 exercises that had been printed out. So, for round 2, we cherry picked from those lists.

I think these are the ones we did:

big girls sit ups

sumo squats

gas pumpers

tricep extensions

jumping jacks

dead lifts

reverse lunges

high knees

bicep curls

and I think we repeated some of the original 12.

It was fun!


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